Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hey I almost learned how to use the internet! Right there is the crudest youtube video I could manage. I love how I occasionally remember that I have a webcam, which seemed like such an expensive dream six years ago and now it's a piece of crap attached to my computer that I notice when I'm drunk.

But! Whatever, it's entertaining. Kelly, I'm working on that comic. Those comics. The Janis one, I still need to think about that but I like it. As a bag lady myself, I find that it hits a little too close to home... Updates to come.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This thang ain't letting me watch, and it's not fair because it involves glasses. Something tells me since it's tagged drank it might not get un-privated anytime soon. So you gotta replace it and wear the same outfit so I won't know!